House of Third Eye
House of Third Eye

Welcome dear soul...

to a vibrant community of spiritual seekers & a place to call home while walking your spiritual path

We are a multi-modality spiritual space.
A place to explore and foster your spiritual development.
A center of learning, for those called to serve professionally as lightworkers.
A creative womb for budding soulpreneurs.
A respite for those desiring deep community in Spirit.

In the house, we appreciate living a life aligned with your heart and soul often means forging a path to inner discovery, and a longing to share your gifts with others.  We understand that spiritual development, our human learning, and our service through business may all exist on a congruent timeline, and that deep support and witnessing is needed for these energies to flourish into our greatest potentialities.

Inside our community you will find compassionate and experienced mentors, named Guides, who act as solid foundations to your spiritual journey.  Meet Ashley, Brooke, Emily and Lori who grew together in community through their own spiritual development, and have now united to create the House of Third Eye for members to develop their spiritual abilities, grow their spiritual business, and forge friendships and connections in.

What do we offer?

Events included each month with your membership:

1. Spiritual Development Circles: 
Each month the House of Third Eye’s Guides offer a Development Circle to support you in your spiritual evolution and growth. These Circles seek to give you a curated experience of multiple modalities in spirit work, and are centered around a specific learning focus that is announced at the beginning of each month. Modalities may include the psychic arts, mediumship, divination tools and techniques, energy work, akashic records and astrology. The Development Circles are a safe way to explore your gifts, receive nourishing teachings and create beautiful peer connections.  

2. Meditation Events: 
Join us each week for guided meditations to practice quieting your mind and blending your energy with Spirit. The profound experience of sitting in circle and blending your energy with a group, will strengthen and deepen your meditation practice and energetic connections.

3. Soulpreneur Circle: 
Our monthly, specialized Soulpreneur Circle offers group coaching and guidance to manifest your vision and create a thriving spiritual business. Bring your questions and ideas to the circle and receive channeled business guidance and support from our entrepreneurial guides to assist you in gaining clarity in order to deepen your level of service, and create financial abundance. In addition to receiving direct support to grow your business, you will also gain invaluable wisdom from the experiences shared by fellow members in this circle. 

4. Spirit Links Practice Partners:
Members of our community have the opportunity to participate in our Spirit Links Practice Pairings program. This beloved, twice monthly event offers a wonderful opportunity to connect and practice your spiritual modalities alongside fellow intuitives in a safe and  supportive environment, allowing you to develop your intuitive abilities with confidence.

5. Community Social Mixer: 
Cultivate meaningful connections with fellow members through our monthly House of Third Eye Social Event. Come together in a zoom room to speak about your path, and make friendships with like minded people.

6. Daily Astrology Updates: 
Stay informed and aligned with the cosmos by receiving daily and monthly astrology updates from Emily, our professional astrologer. These insights are designed to provide you with clarity in your daily life and in your spiritual business, helping you navigate your days with purpose. 

7. Third Eye Library: 
Access this rich tapestry of articles and videos of spiritual modality resources in astrology, angels, mediumship, crystals, energy work, animals, tarot, akashic records, and entrepreneurship, for self study and development. This extensive and constantly evolving collection will spark curiosity, build your knowledge and inspire you to try new pathways in your development and work. 

*Additional special events will include dynamic invited guests, specialized offerings and seasonal inspirations.

Meet the Guides

Ashley - Specializes in working with the Angelic Realm to facilitate energy healing, channel angelic guidance and spiritual business alignment. She has over 12 years experience as an energy healing practitioner, and offers Angel Reiki Healing Sessions, Spiritual Business Coaching, Spiritual Development Mentorship, and Animal Communication sessions.  

Brooke -

Emily -

Lori - Lori is a Spiritual Intuitive Coach that uses her 25+ years of personal development & work experience as an energy healer  Her passion is in helping others to define and hone in on their spiritual abilities to live a more fulfilling and holistic life.  Her desire is to see women embodying their whole selves and living their souls purpose.  Lori mentors Reiki and Mediumship students, leads workshops and works 1:1 with clients.

Come explore the vast field of esoteric arts, deepen your spiritual abilities through development, nurture your entrepreneurial spirit, and be present to the simplicity and peace that is born of a supportive community of spiritually led individuals. Our unique membership illuminates the path to personal transformation, business growth, and sacred connection.

Join us in the House of Third Eye, to discover the infinite ways to express your intuitive gifts to serve our world, and honor Spirit. 

Step inside, the doors are open.